Perform wishes to assure all of its customers that Perform products are manufactured under strict international standards of quality control. Furthermore, all of our products are batch tested to the highest specification standards and are certified by a recognised independent laboratory to ensure that no prohibited substances listed by the World Anti-Doping Authorities are present. Regular testing is carried out on Perform products which guarantee’s their 100% purity and safety.
In addition to the adherence of strict international standards of quality control and screening that include ISO 17025, ISO9001/2, GMP and HACCP, Perform sources and administers only the finest quality raw materials to its products.
Another important feature of the brand is the 100% traceability of all ingredients used in our products. This system ensures a consistently high level of quality control and safety.
Revolutionary formulations
Perform products have been expertly formulated using the latest scientific research and expertise of the Perform product development team. Each product is goal-oriented and uses only the most suitable research-based ingredient combinations.
Value for money
Perform products are priced in order to for the customer to get the best possible quality for their money. At Perform, we prioritise product performance over profit maximisation. This is reflected in the quality and affordability for the end-user.
Online community
Perform's online community is a means for members to discuss athletic and sports-related topics like nutrition and training. The blog and forum allows users to express their opinions on anything that they believe may support optimum performance for example the new Perform articles, opinion pieces, helpful tips or products.
Perform community also has up-to-date information about the latest sports news and how Perform athletes and teams are performing in relevant competitions.
Customer service
Perform offers excellent customer service to ensure that each customer consistently gets premium quality products. Our standard customer response time is 2 to 8 hours. We more than welcome your feedback to help us continuously improve our products and services. The Perform TEAM is happy to provide professional advice about Perform products and we are committed to do our best to suit them to your needs.